Most Over-Looked Film this Year: The Lookout

Most Over-Rated Movie of the Year: Eastern Promises

Best Character and Best Villian: Javier Bardem as Anton Chirugh in No Country for Old Men

Best Hero: Gerald Butler as King Leonidas in 300

Most Lovable: JunoRoger Ebert may have described this movie best when he said "you will just want to hug the characters." Ellen Page comes off as a young, new generation Audrey Hepburn as the pregnant teen Juno, who matures with things beyond her maturity. Looking at her, we see a child smarter than she looks, learning from mistakes with good intentions. In a movie that has the star attend an abortion clinic when she first finds out, it stays very light and loveable.
Best Cliche Dodge: Jeff Daniels as Lewis in The Lookout
A blind roommate is one of the most over-used themes in movies. Some blind wise guy can see what others don't. Lewis (played to a T by Jeff Daniels) didn't fall into that. It wasn't symbolism, but instead part of a story. He tells the story of how he became blinded, and mentions the moral of how he would still have his sight if he just asked "what am I doing here?" He tells this the only person exploiting Chris (Lewis' roommate) who has any signs of a conscience. While we don't fully know what happens to her character afterwards, it implies she left because of the conscience and story of Lewis. Lewis does this not with sage-like wisdom, but honest story that actually relates to his blindness, instead of being blind for the sake of being blind.
Most Disappointing Line: "Yeepie-Kay-Yay, Mother--" from Live Free or Die Hard
Where's the F word! The line because famous for being roudy, modern cowboy without the manners, matching the divorced husband instead of the typical guy riding off in the distance, creating a new kind of hero. They took out the most characterizing word of the line.
Most Satisfying Line: "Tonight, We Dine In Hell!" from 300
The single line delivered the trailer and all the marketability of the movie.
Compliment to the Industry Award: Transformers
This award I select for the movie that is going to be most entertaining, keeps a broad audience, and will be remembered. Michael Bay did this with Transformers, and kept the flaws to a minimum by knowing what kind of movie he was making and therefore set up a movie that could laugh at itself. Sitting though it, I didn't feel like I was watching a nerd flick or sci-fi epic, but just a fun movie with groundbreaking special effects. Too many movies get the effects, but don't have the attention and writers for the fun jokes and ability to make fun of itself, or loses a director that can make us feel for Optimus Prime's speeches and capture us to root for the soldiers. I was critical because this could be a great movie, but for the price theaters charge and the general direction towards IMAX, surround-stereo sound, and special effects, more movies need the balance that compliments the industry at that time.
Insult to the Industry: Worst Movie of the Year is Captivity
The movie sucks. How badly? I saw this movie with 9 total strangers in the theater. The other 9 got their money back while I stayed so I'd be qualified to give this movie this award. 9 out of 10 people left this movie, and the 10th is giving it this award. I, myself, didn't apply the term "torture porn" to any movie in the Saw or Hostel series, but I do apply it here. It's predictable, no character development, narrow audience with narrower appeal, and memorable in all the ways a movie shouldn't be. The only thing amazing about this movie is that its director once won an Academy Award. It will be referanced in the Red Tie Law under "what not to do!"
Best Action: Live Free or Die Hard
Best Comedy: Superbad
Best Horror: 1408
Best Remake: 3:10 to Yuma
Best Sequel/Prequel Improving Originals: Live Free or Die Hard
Best Sequel/Prequel Ruining Originals: Spider-Man 3
Best Movie Mocking Movies: Shoot 'Em Up
Best Laydown: Queen Elizabeth telling the Spanish in Elizabeth: the Golden Age
Best Speech Before a Battle: "Come and get them!" in 300
Best Impression: Julia Roberts as Joanne Herring in Charlie Wilson's War
Worst Impression: Timothy Olyphant in Hitman.
Most Human Character: Juno in Juno
Least Human Character: Plainview in There Will Be Blood
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